Lecture Topics:


CARBOHYDRATE Why are carbohydrates important? Because it's our main source of energy. It consists of only carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, that's why we use the symbol CHO as a representation for carbohydrate. It has polyhydroxy aldehydes or polyhydroxy ketones of a formula of (CH2O)n, or compounds that can be hydrolyzed to them.


CELL AND MEMBRANE STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Let's examine the cross section of a typical animal cell. A typical animal cell contains the cell membrane, vacuole, rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, cytoplasm, lysosome, ribosome, centrosome, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondrion. Every part of the cell that is enclosed with a membrane is called the organelle.


Did you know that life is not really possible without enzymes? These enzymes are substances or materials that can carry the actions in a faster way. Enzymes are also proteins which accelerates chemical reaction. Enzyme deficiency may lead to diseases. It can also be a set of physically targeted by some drugs, so that the drugs can take effect.


We've already talked about hormones in the prior lectures about cell membrane. Endocrine system is the one responsible to produce hormones. In an animal, endocrine system controls body processes through the production and secretion as well as the regulation of hormones, which serves as chemical messengers that functions in cellular and organ activity.


Intermediary metabolism is actually various metabolic reactions or pathways. These are pathways of important moieties for human body such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Metabolism is the form of all chemical reactions in the body. It consists of integrated pathways or reactions.


INTERMEDIARY METABOLISM PART 2 Gluconeogenesis is an important metabolic pathway, because we need glucose. However, when we are active, the glucose level in the body will be depleted. So how can we make glucose? We can make glucose through the process of gluconeogenesis.


Lipid is a fraction of any biological material that is insoluble in water, but soluble in one or more solvents with low polarity. It is a heterogeneous group of compounds that include fatty acid, fats, oil, waxes, steroids, phospholipids, and sphingolipids.


Nucleic Acids Part 1 In an animal cell, there would be a prominent structure in the center of the cell. That would be a nucleus. Nucleus is like the brain of the cell. It contains a genetic material known as DNA. This is a long strand of genetic information, specially packed and coiled inside the nucleus.


NUCLEIC ACIDS PART 2 The genetic code is a part of the central dogma of the molecular biology, which basically tells us how DNA is transformed or replicated, and how it's used to form the proteins that we need in our body.


NUCLEIC ACIDS PART 3 Through the advancement of science and technology, especially the way we've studied DNA and how it works, we were able to come up with what we call as the Human Genome Project. This discovery also led us to discover restriction endonucleases, develop cloning tech, and we've already learned how to synthesize specific probes.


There are many functions of proteins in the body. For example collagen and carotene. They are found in the skin and in the hair strands respectively, so they provide structural support for the skin. The skin of younger people it's more supple and more healthy looking.


SPECIALIZED METABOLISM ON TISSUES PART 1 Extracellular matrix provides a chemical and mechanical structural support. Its diverse characteristics include stiffness and composition. It is composed of a mixture of water proteins and carbohydrates. It has a real important role such as for mechanical support, which aids in the tensile and compressive strength and elasticity.


Bone is a type of connective tissue that has large amount of two different types of matrix materials: organic and inorganic. Bones can be divided into two types, compact and spongy bone.


SPECIALIZED METABOLISM OF TISSUES PART 3 Bone or osseous tissue is a connective tissue that has large amount of two different types of matrix material, organic or inorganic. The organic matrix is similar to the matrix material found in other connective tissues. That includes some amount of collagen and elastic fibers.