psychology Psychology focuses on the individual where sociology focuses on the group. Social psychology focuses on the individual within the group It is also known as culture. The way we react to others and the way we communicate with other people is really important Genetics versus sociocultural, in other words what we are born with versus what we do to our own bodies.



PSYCHOLOGY The purpose of psychological research is to differentiate to understand differences and relationships between variables to learn more about different groups of people, animals, our behavior, the way we think, the way we were act and so much more. We make associations and thus discover correlations, positive or negative correlation amongst these variables.



psychology There are two main areas we need to focus: Neuroanatomy is the study of the structure and organization of the nervous system. This is important to the psychology field. Neuroanatomy helps us understand how we hold stress in different parts of the body.


psychology States of consciousness are really important to understand substance abuse disorders and the effect they have on the human brain. Dreaming occurs for everyone; but not all of us have the capability to recall those dreams. Dreaming is part of the 90-minute sleep cycle.


psychology Sensation is the input of information that we receive from all our senses. For example: Each of our senses houses sensory receptors. Transduction is the process of converting sensory energy (input, sensation) to understand the sensory information (output, perception).


psychology Frontal: control language, problem solving, emotional expression, judgment, sexual behavior. Frontal lobe is known as the control panel that helps us develop personality, emotion towards others and relationships, communication with ourselves and other people, and choose a way of life Parietal: controls movement and sensory experiences Occipital: controls understanding of visual information Temporal: control understanding of auditory information For vision, wavelength is the distance between two crests or movement within a visual stimulus wave.


psychology Intelligence is the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. Intelligence used to be thought of as a concept that you either know or don't know an information.


Encoding information - practice/exposure to the information in various forms, such as repetition, acronym, song, and story Re-learning information - components that you are familiar with already Encoding is a process of learning new information or practicing information that you previously learned. Retrieval has a lot to do with how you stored information.


Theorist name: Ivan Pavlov Title: Digestive Physiologist Focus: association of 2 stimuli Laboratory Secure harness on dog's mouth to detect amount of saliva. Dog food/bowl Pavlov presented the dog with food. The result: the dog salivated to the sight of the food Dogs salivate to the sight of food Unconditioned stimulus: food Unconditioned response: salivate (to the food) Laboratory Secure harness on dog's mouth to detect amount of saliva.


psychology The key players are Jean Piaget and Erik Erikson. Piaget was a Swiss psychologist known for his work with children. He focused on cognitive development. Erikson was a German American developmental psychologist. He was known for his work with the lifespan separated by stages determined our social interaction and experiences.


psychology Facial expression - biological, learned, sociocultural, universal Circumstances affect our view and emotion Emotional theories focus on event - physiological change(s), thought/perceptions The neurotransmitter dopamine is responsible in the brain's reward, and pleasure centers. When we seek out pleasurable activity - sex, drugs, or food, dopamine is released.


psychology What is personality? Personality is the individual's outward expression based on consistent observations and qualities. Define personality: A set of characteristics, behaviors, cognitions, and emotions. Based on genetic factors Based on environmental factors Psychological interactions with the environment: what motivate us and how do we cope? Genetics vs.


psychology Social psychology is the study of the individual within a group (society). There are two approaches to understand or explain human behavior: There are two types of disposition: positive and negative Self-presentation 🡪 who are you? Who do you know yourself to be vs. who do you allow others to see?



psychology Abnormal behavior is behavior that deviates from what is considered normal. What is considered normal is often a misconception, because in our society today there is a debate of what is normal and what isn't. General criteria of abnormal behavior: It is important to think about the difference between personality characteristics and characteristics of the disorder.



Collecting data by means of asking questions that provide either qualitative (descriptive) data or quantitative (numeric) data Surveys in the area of sociology focus on communities, economics, taxes, and wealth Gender, marriages/relationship choices, and related legislation Food and its effect on communities Affects on mass media on different generations/social classes


psychology The sleep cycle is about 90 minutes long and can be divided to stage 1, 2, 3, 4, and REM (Rapid Eye Movement). REM is where dreams occur. Lightest stage of sleep EEG brain frequency slightly sower than EEG brain frequency during normal wake time Normal muscle tone Normal breathing rate Important thoughts Drowning out Filtering noise In stage 1, you are trying to fall asleep and starting to relax.


Culture is a very bold word that is something that we are a part of. We have our own experiences and stories to tell about culture. From geographical perspective, culture is the traditions, values, and beliefs amongst those communities. Culture is divided by way of geographical location. E.g.


psychology One main area that we use technology on a daily basis is social media. Social media as a social aspect of our lives some people make themselves a part of. Some people get entangled in social media almost too much. It can be positive, where it helps us to promote awareness or promotes and creates change.


PSYCHOLOGY A child's emotional reactions to environmental stimuli. Reactivity varies considering a lifespan approach: Childhood - little control over emotion - need resources, guidance, and communicative cues to gain control and/or shift awareness/distractions Adulthood - emotionality [temperament] assists in important decisions - friendships, romantic relationships, organizing areas of one's life, personal interests and endeavors, career, and socializing with others [meeting new people] Childhood level of energy relates to: Physical activity and games, which also stimulates the mind [affecting the cognitive development in childhood - language, knowledge, communication, problem solving, reasoning].


Informed consent is a form where the participant of a potential research study grants permission to a researcher to collect data; informed consent tells them about the risks and benefits of their involvement in the research study Two types of informed consent: Minors and adults.


psychology The steps are: Choose topic that is based on your personal interest Choose topic that is based on an area of research lacking in data collection on a specific topic Locate the research gap Recent research articles that tell you what has been done on your topic Try to fulfill a gap of information (sample population, a tool used, etc) that was not met with previous research to thus strengthen the topic Firstly, choose the research design based on the topic and how you will collect data (correlational vs.



psychology Gestalt psychology focuses on the whole form vs. the individual parts to the form. This means that all objects and scenes can be observed in their visual form. We could also use our words or linguistics to describe a form.



psychology Olfactory system is the oldest out of all the systems. It is important for survival - e.g. to avoid harmful, dangerous stimuli Important for attraction - who we want to be near/around and whom we can trust Goes for primates and humans Most mammals and reptiles have a main olfactory system.


psychology A myth still exists about the brain hemispheres: "right-brained" and "left-brained" people. But this oversimplifies the cerebral hemispheres and gives the impression for the individual that their skills and capabilities are limited in some way. The left hemispheres is mainly responsible for language functions and the right hemisphere is mainly responsible for spatial reasoning and nonverbal reasoning.


psychology The Myers Briggs Type Indicator is introspective, self-report questionnaire Purpose: to indicate the different psychological preferences on experiences when they interact with their environments and other people; how they perceive the world around them and thus allowing us to make decisions Pros: the assessment offers several "types" (16) and gives a refreshing and insightful look into the individual; easy to comprehend and relate your own experiences to Cons: accuracy - when people take the MBTI, they don't necessarily get the same exact results each time.